CFS Italia Srl

Via Aquileia 8
Olmi di S. Biagio di Callalta
31048 – TREVISO – Italy

Phone +39 0422 39 85 53
Phone . +39 0422 39 73 33

VAT no: 05096510267


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Equipment and furniture for hospital, nursing homes and residential care facilities



For over 20 years we have been designing and manufacturing customized hospital equipment and furniture that care about health and well-being of patients and staff. Solid and efficient products, studied on real needs of use where every detail is evaluated in terms of practicality and design to guarantee functional and durable solutions over time.

Bianchini Luca


Chiara Pinarello

Administration manager

Katia Dalla Giustina

Export sales department manager

Federico Ferrari

Export sales

Carla Paduano

Domestic sales department manager

Giacomo Piccoli

Domestic sales department

Silvia Cabrio

Reception and Logistic

Massimo Gazzola

CFS Design manager

Antonella Di Stefano

Sales CFS Design

Ana Albuquerque

Sales CFS Design

Ludovico Dal Sie

Purchasing department manager

Giulia Barro

Purchasing department

Elena Laura Vrabie

Administration office

Alice Pavan

Administration office

Michele Pinarello

Sales manager Piemonte, Lombardia

Luca Bianchini

Sales manager Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige e Liguria

Enrico Calzavara

Responsabile Vendite Emilia-Romagna, Toscana, Marche, Umbria