An emergency trolley must be practical and functional to speed up intervention operations. Discover the 6 characteristics that make an emergency trolley truly effective.
The emergency trolley should be present in every hospital structure, but it is also a valid support that can make the difference whenever an emergency arises and you need to intervene in a timely manner. In the market exist several models of emergency trolleys that differ in materials, colours and options, but how can you evaluate the efficiency and the ease of use?
Here are 6 features that make an emergency trolley a quality product worthy of your hospital structure.
1-Solidity of materials
An emergency trolley is used in hectic situations, where you need to intervene accurately without wasting time. The materials with which it is made must be solid and resistant to shocks/bruises, such as steel or technopolymers, to allow nurses and medical staff to quickly transport the trolley without worrying about wheels that turn badly, wobby trays or structures that can not bear the weight of an oxygen cylinder.