Hospital couches, when functionality meets comfort

In a healthcare facility, the couch is a key element in more than one room, from the waiting room to the outpatient’s room. It is a furniture piece, but even more so, it is an organizational and functional solution. It provides comfort for patients and the people taking care of them, as well as facilitates the work of medical staff, ensuring safety and practicality. 

Features and roles of hospital couches

Hospital couches can be divided into two main categories. 

  • Couches with electric actuation, ideal for the treatment procedures or surgical procedures. With automatic adjustment, they allow for precise and quick patient positioning, ensuring comfort and safety even during prolonged sessions, such as chemotherapy or phlebotomy.
  • Couches without electric actuation, essential in waiting rooms, as well as in neonatal units for breastfeeding or in post-therapy environments when monitoring is required. They have a simpler design and therefore a lower cost. 

Our range of hospital couches

CFS Italia offers a wide range of chairs to meet different clinical needs, each designed with specific features to improve patient experience and operational efficiency.

  • Therapy couches. They are designed for prolonged treatment, offering a high level of comfort, ergonomic support, and the adjustment of patient’s position. Some also include the Trendelenburg function: in emergency situations when a patient is in shock, they need to lay down with their head in a lower position than the pelvis and knees.
  • Day hospital couches. They are versatile and allow the patient to be comfortable for the entire duration of the visit, including pre- and post-surgery moments. The ability to convert to a stretcher with side rails ensure greater safety and ease of movement.
  • Specialist couches. ENT or gynaecology couches offer unique features such as seat rotation, independent headboard & footboard adjustment, and so on. Gynae couches are often electric couches on wheels, whereas for other specialties wheels may not be an essential accessory.
  • Relax couches. In inpatient or outpatient rooms, they are reserved for patients and the people taking care of them post-treatment. Featuring wide armrests and multiple adjustment levels, in some cases they are so versatile that they can also be used as an alternative to therapy chairs.
  • Transport couches. They are the ideal couches for moving patients within healthcare facilities or in nursing homes. The ability to tilt allows patients to be transported in a lying position.

Customization of hospital couches by CFS Italia

In our catalogue you can find hospital couches made of different materials. The most popular and the most versatile are those with a steel frame and padding with leatherette upholstery, but for special requests we also craft these couches with wooden elements, in order to give a warmer aesthetic effect. Whatever the case may be, all our products are certified and comply with European regulations for the use of fire-resistant materials.

Hospital couches by CFS Italia can be customized with various accessories. Hooks for drainage bags, IV holders, footrests, push handles and head cushions just to name a few. Also, a wide variety of upholstery colours makes it possible to match the environment and enhance the style and atmosphere of outpatient clinics.


Find out more about our hospital couches or other furniture by CFS Italia, request our catalogue at

Foto di Elena Laura Vrabie
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